Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Family Fun Day



September 14, 2008 to September 14, 2008

Mr.Moussay/a Parent.

I came in a little bit too early, not really knowing what i was supposed to be do in the next few 3hours. After a while, a teacher came to us and explain to each one of us showing where our game place will be. Mine was FLIP A COIN and i was the only one "taking care" of that game.
It was a bad choice i think, because that day was so hot! I had to pick up each 200dong coin everytime, and it was super tiring because each children received about 20coins. so basicly it was give the coins, explain what to do, pick up the coins (that were on the floor, and the floor was like mousse, so its almost impossible to pick them up), tell the children where to get their prices.
The parents were not always very nice, neither for the children.
I did not enjoy that activity. Tiring, Hot, and not well treated. I do not recommend it to anyone. Maybe it would be alright if there are two persons, for example, one that explains, and then other one that is responsible for the coins. Coins were the big problem, too light, too thin.

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