Wednesday, March 10, 2010



September 09, 2008 to January 01, 2009

Choir activity, was i think really fun, not only there was alot of entertaiment, but we also learnt songs. When i was in Switzerland for the winter holidays, i heard the songs i had studied, and it felt good to hear them. The only thing i regret is to not have done the Christmas Carol thing.
I would have really liked to participate but could not. I know next year i will join for sure, because it was a great experience. At first, i thought it was boring, you know always singing, sitting up, down, and everything, but after 2weeks, i actually enjoyed it alot.
i still remember the songs :) There is this feeling when you sing in choir, it is so powerful and meaningful! i enjoyed it a lot.
It was such a vivid activity. You make new friends, and earn new skills!

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